
OmniQuest is a company specia­lized in an opinion survey project was founded in 1996 and offers quali­ta­tive and quanti­ta­tive optimal field solutions regar­ding market and opinion research to renowned clients at insti­tute and industry level.

As a member of a working group in the German market- und Social research insti­tute (ADM) we oblige ourselves to strict adherence to data privacy protec­tion and conduct rules.
OmniQuest possesses an innova­tive online-unit with the company-owned online-panel OmniPanel, two modern CATI centers in Bonn and Cologne having 170 seats in total as well as a stock of 600 face to face inter­viewers, distri­buted nation­wide. Our profes­sional in-house data manage­ment completes our portfolio. Thereby we belong to the biggest field service provi­ders in Germany.


The panel­s­truc­ture







  • 18 – 19 years 3.7% 3.7%
  • 20 – 29 years 25.3% 25.3%
  • 30 – 39 years 21.5% 21.5%
  • 40 – 49 years 20.3% 20.3%
  • 50 – 59 years 17.1% 17.1%
  • 60 – 64 years 4.9% 4.9%
  • 65 years and older 7.2% 7.2%

House­hold size

  • 1 person 21.8% 21.8%
  • 2 persons 35.3% 35.3%
  • 3 persons 20.6% 20.6%
  • 4 persons 14.5% 14.5%
  • 5 persons and more 7.8% 7.8%

Marital status

  • Single 34.8% 34.8%
  • Married/Cohabitation 54.3% 54.3%
  • Divorced/Widowed 10.9% 10.9%


  • Working fulltime 42.2% 42.2%
  • Working part-time 17.4% 17.4%
  • Currently unemployed 6.5% 6.5%
  • Profes­sional Training (Appren­tice, Pupils, Students) 15.2% 15.2%
  • Pensioner, Retiree 8.9% 8.9%
  • Housewife/Househusbands 9.8% 9.8%

Net income*

  • up to 1.000 Euro 15.0% 15.0%
  • 1.001 – 1.500 Euro 16.4% 16.4%
  • 1.501 – 2.000 Euro 15.1% 15.1%
  • 2.001 – 2.500 Euro 12.7% 12.7%
  • 2.501 – 3.000 Euro 9.9% 9.9%
  • 3.001 – 4.000 Euro 8.9% 8.9%
  • 4.001 – 5.000 Euro 3.9% 3.9%
  • 5.001 Euro und mehr 3.2% 3.2%
  • No answer/Don‘t know 14.9% 14.9%
* monthly net house­hold income


  • Baden-Würtem­berg 10.3% 10.3%
  • Bavaria 13.1% 13.1%
  • Berlin 6.5% 6.5%
  • Branden­burg 3.5% 3.5%
  • Bremen 0.8% 0.8%
  • Hamburg 3.4% 3.4%
  • Hessen 7.2% 7.2%
  • Mecklen­burg Western Pomerania 2.4% 2.4%
  • Lower Saxony 8.7% 8.7%
  • Northr­hine-Westphalia 21.7% 21.7%
  • Rhine­land Palan­tine 4.6% 4.6%
  • Saarland 1.1% 1.1%
  • Saxony 6.1% 6.1%
  • Saxony-Anhalt 3.0% 3.0%
  • Schleswig-Holstein 3.7% 3.7%
  • Thuringa 3.2% 3.2%


Unsere Selek­ti­ons­kri­te­rien


Posses­sion of diffe­rent electronic products
Film downloa­ding


Online/Offline Shopping
Shopping venues

Mobility (Car, Bicycle, Public Trans­port)

Car (Brand, Type, Finan­cing)
Use of trans­port


Aircraft utiliza­tion (Reason, Airline)
Visited countries/regions in the last year
Prefered type of holiday
Visited hotel chains in the last year

Nutri­tion and Health

Meat consump­tion
Fast Food consump­tion
Visited fast food restau­rants
Regular consump­tion of bever­ages
Frequency of alcohol consump­tion
Smoking (Brand of cigarettes)
Type of health insurance
Glasses/Contact lenses
Hearing aid device

Telephone, Mobile Phone & Internet

Network provi­ders
Mobile phone owner­ship (Brand, Opera­tion System, Provider)
Mobil phone usage behavior (Apps, Features)
Mobile phone contract type
Web usage (Provider, Connec­tion, Purposes, Frequency)
Use of flatrates


Catalogue of questions

1. What experi­ence does your company have in provi­ding online samples for market research purposes?

OmniQuest is a company spezia­lized in an opinion survey project was founded in 1996 and stands for profes­sional field solutions using compre­hen­sive methods ever since. We have our own online panel, which has conti­nu­ally grown since 2008 and already features over 64,000 members by now. an inter­di­sci­pli­nary team of experi­enced project managers coordi­nates numerous nation­wide and inter­na­tional online surveys for renowed clients at insti­tute and industry level and ensures quali­ta­tively and quanti­ta­tively optimal field solutions.

Please describe and explain that you offered types of data sources for online
Samples (involves databases to an actively managed Panel, direct marke­ting lists,
Social networks across the Web collected samples, real time surveys, etc.)?

OmniPanel is an actively managed portfolio Panel. The Panelists are recruited via repre­sen­ta­tive CATI – and face to face trials, as well as online recrui­ting.

3. If you provide samples from more than one source: How are the diffe­rent sample sources blended together to ensure validity?
How can this be repli­cated over time to provide relia­bi­lity?
How do you deal with the possi­bi­lity of dupli­ca­tion of respond­ents across sources?

If there are neces­sity of using external sample sources in a project, we call upon the service of carefully selected external partner panels. Prere­qui­site for a possible coope­ra­tion is the ESOMAR Member­ship of the partner. By compa­ring the survey data in anony­mous form, multiple parti­ci­pa­tions are excluded.

4. Are your sample source(s) used solely for market research? If not, what other purposes are they used for?

OmniPanel is solely used for market research purposes.

5. How do you source groups that may be hard to reach on the internet?

Many panel members are reached via recrui­ting methods, which are integrated in repre­sen­ta­tive, offline CATI- and Face to Face surveys. These surveys take in a large share of the total survey volume of OmniQuest.

6. If, in a parti­cular project, you need to supple­ment your sample(s) with sample(s) from other provi­ders, how do you select those partners? Is it your policy to notify a client in advance when using a third party provider?

In excep­tional cases we call upon the service of carefully selected external partner panels. Prere­qui­site for a possible coope­ra­tion is the ESOMAR Member­ship of the partner. The inclu­sion of partner provi­ders is carried out in coope­ra­tion with the customer.

7. What steps do you take to achieve a repre­sen­ta­tive sample of the target popula­tion?

The measures to be taken are depen­ding to a large extent on the study requi­re­ments and any customer requests. The modula­tion of desired distri­bu­tions is normally made via quota­tions. Optio­nally weightings of the sample depen­ding on actual struc­tural data can be applied after the survey.

8. Do you employ a survey router?


9. If you use a router: Please describe the alloca­tion process within your router. How do you decide which surveys might be considered for a respon­dent? On what priority basis are respond­ents allocated to surveys?

We do not use a router.

10. If you use a router: Who in your company sets the parame­ters of the router? Is it a dedicated team or indivi­dual project managers?

We do not use a router.

11. If you use a router: What measures do you take to guard against, or mitigate, any bias arising from employing a router? How do you measure and report any bias?

We do not use a router.

12. What profiling data is held on respond­ents? How is it done? How does this differ across sample sources? How is it kept up-to-date? If no relevant profiling data is held, how are low incidence projects dealt with?

During the regis­tra­tion process, each parti­ci­pant takes part in a master data survey. This study contains approx. 500 criteria, which can be used for sampling and validity checks. The master data are upgraded at least once a year and also at the current survey projects.

13. Please describe your survey invita­tion process.
What is the propo­si­tion that people are offered to take part in indivi­dual surveys? What infor­ma­tion about the project itself is given in the process? Apart from direct invita­tions to specific surveys (or to a router), what other means of invita­tion to surveys are respond­ents exposed to? You should note that not all invita­tions to parti­ci­pate take the form of emails.

The panelists receive the invita­tion with an integrated link to the survey via e -mail or are able to see it in their personal password-protected profile on The invita­tion includes infor­ma­tion about the length of the inter­view, the amount of propo­si­tion and the scheduled timing of the survey. All invita­tion e-mails also include a unique sender, a link to the privacy policy and our legal notice.

14. Please describe the incen­tives that respond­ents are offered for taking part in your surveys. How does this differ by sample source, by inter­view length, by respon­dent charac­te­ristics?

After successful parti­ci­pa­tions in the surveys, panelists receive bonus points on their personal bonus account. The number of points can vary and depend on the length and type of inter­view. The exact number of points is announced in advance for each survey within the invita­tion e-mail.

15. What infor­ma­tion about a project do you need in order to give an accurate estimate of feasi­bi­lity using your own resources?

  • Descrip­tion of the target group (country, demogra­phics, study specific target-group charac­te­ristic)
  • Number of cases needed
  • Ideally the Incidence rate of the target group (if any, other­wise we will be pleased to inves­ti­gate for you)
  • Length of inter­view
  • Quota
  • Field time
  • Requested services (Sample-only, programming/hosting, kind of data delivery or data analysis)

16. Do you measure respon­dent satis­fac­tion? Is this infor­ma­tion made available to clients?

We ask our panelists on a regular basis in surveys and during updating of their master data about their satis­fac­tion and the compre­hen­si­bi­lity of our surveys. In the most recent measu­re­ment, 95% of the panelists answered to be (very) satis­fied with our studies. Further­more, there is the oppor­tu­nity for all parti­ci­pants to contact us via mail for questions and sugges­tions.

17. What infor­ma­tion do you provide to debrief your client after the project has finished?

If required we can supply a field report with infor­ma­tion about the comple­tion rate, screen outs and the incidence rate.

18. Who is respon­sible for data quality checks? If it is you, do you have in place proce­dures to reduce or elimi­nate undesired within survey behaviors, such as (a) random respon­ding, (b) Illogical or incon­sis­tent respon­ding, (c) overuse of item non-response (e.g. “Don’t Know”) or (d) speeding (too rapid survey comple­tion)? Please describe these proce­dures.

We try to avoid undesired response behavior already before the survey start by maximi­zing the usabi­lity for the respond­ents. At this we provide advice for the customer concer­ning the length of inter­view as well as suita­bi­lity and practi­ca­bi­lity of the questi­on­n­aire with regard to the online metho­do­logy.

19. How often can the same indivi­dual be contacted to take part in a survey within a speci­fied period whether they respond to the contact or not? How does this vary across your sample sources?

The panelists are invited four times per month on average. Data about the number of ignored and non-ignored invita­tions are stored in the panel and can be used for filtra­tion of the parti­ci­pants. A panelist can be contacted up to two times within one survey (1 invita­tion mail and 1 reminder mail).

20. How often can the same indivi­dual take part in a survey within a speci­fied period? How does this vary across your sample sources? How do you manage this within catego­ries and/or time periods?

The panelist are invited four times per month to a survey on average. Status infor­ma­tion of the parti­ci­pa­tion on other surveys are stored thereby and can be used as exclu­sion criteria to surveys with similar topics as well as for regula­tion of the contact- and invita­tion-frequency.

21. Do you maintain indivi­dual level data such as recent parti­ci­pa­tion history, date of entry, source, etc., on your survey respond­ents? Are you able to supply your client with a project analysis of such indivi­dual level data?

Level Data such as date of entry, source and parti­ci­pa­tion history can be monitored by our panel managers at any time and up-to-date.
Disclo­sure of indivi­dual data to custo­mers is not possible for reasons of data protec­tion.

22. Do you have a confir­ma­tion of respon­dent identity proce­dure? Do you have proce­dures to detect fraudu­lent respond­ents? Please describe these proce­dures as they are imple­mented at sample source regis­tra­tion and/or at the point of entry to a survey or router. If you offer B2B samples what are the proce­dures there, if any?

There is an exten­sive matching process of multiple entries already during the acqui­si­tion of personal data as part of the regis­tra­tion process. Automated dupli­cate check are used here, who examine the whole panel for profile simila­ri­ties and display suspi­cious ones for manual control steps.

23. Please describe the ‘opt-in for market research’ processes for all your online sample sources.

The regis­tra­tion for OmniPanel runs via a double opt-in process. Persons, who want to register themselves are asked to complete a brief regis­tra­tion form with some first general personal infor­ma­tion and enter their email address. If an email address is already regis­tered in the panel, there is no possi­bi­lity to make a new regis­tra­tion. After approval of our privacy policy, the user receives a verifi­ca­tion code via email. To become a member of the panel, the email address has to be verified again by clicking on the verifi­ca­tion code in the email.

24. lease provide a link to your Privacy Policy. How is your Privacy Policy provided to your respond­ents?

Our Privacy Policy is available to everyone and can be found via the follo­wing link:

25. Please describe the measures you take to ensure data protec­tion and security.

OmniQuest GmbH has successfully passed numerous data protec­tion audits within the frame­work of project imple­men­ta­tion as per §11 BDSG (order of data proces­sing). The entire internal organiza­tion is in such a way that it conforms to the special requi­re­ments of data protec­tion. Several technical and organiza­tional measures for data security and safety have been taken (accor­ding to §9 BDSG), which fulfill the legal requi­re­ments from entry control ,admis­sion control, access control, disclo­sure control, input control, order control, availa­bi­lity controls up to the separa­tion rule.

26. What practices do you follow to decide whether online research should be used to present commer­ci­ally sensi­tive client data or materials to survey respond­ents?

In case of programming and hosting of the survey by OmniQuest: The customer receives a testing link before the survey starts to check whether the presen­ta­tion of his materials corre­sponds to his expec­ta­tions. To protect image contents, we are also able to setup an image protec­tion feature by request, which makes storing or screen­s­hot­ting of images consider­ably more diffi­cult. If data is to be retrieved of which the results should not be seen by every employee with access to the project, we are able to protect data against unaut­ho­rized viewing. In case of a question asking for specific personal data, in which the results are not allowed to be viewed by all employees with access to the project, we can set up a special protec­tion on the question against unaut­ho­rized viewing. Further­more the parti­ci­pants of OmniPanel are “real” verified panelists, who regis­tered themselves in the panel via double-opt-in.

27. Are you certi­fied to any specific quality system? If so, which one(s)?

We are not certi­fied to any specific quality system, but we are obligated to the Compli­ance of ISO 27001-certi­fi­ca­tion based on the IT-Baseline Protec­tion (IT-funda­mental protec­tion). The regis­tra­tion can only be done via a double-opt-in process. Personal data will only be trans­ferred through SSL.

28. Do you conduct online surveys with children and young people? If so, do you adhere to the standards that ESOMAR provides? What other rules or standards, for example COPPA in the United States, do you comply with?

No, we did not conduct any only surveys with children or young people so far. The panel member­ship requires a minimum age of 18 years. Surveys with children or young people can only be performed via inter­vie­wing the regis­tered legal guardians.
OmniPanel has a data protec­tion policy, which is perma­nently available to the public on the internet and which requires approval during regis­tra­tion process.
The storage of personal Data is carried out in strict compli­ance to the German Federal Data Protec­tion Act. Surveys and the personal area of the members are SSL encrypted. The server location is certi­fi­cated in accordance with ISO 27001. The recom­men­da­tions of ADM and ESOMAR are binding for us.



Do you still have questions? Simply provide your telephone number or e-mail address and we will get in touch with you.