CATI – Telephone

Telephone surveys stand for standar­diza­tion, relia­bi­lity and cost effici­ency. We only use our own inter­viewer resources – no offshore telephony.

360° monito­ring. Full trans­pa­rency. No offshore telephony.

Experi­ence CATI research in a new way

170 networked stations

Our telephone studios

We conduct more than 1,200 telephone inter­views daily in our own telephone studios in Cologne and Bonn. We attach great importance to a customer-oriented manner on the phone as well as value-neutral recor­ding of opinions and moods. This is guaran­teed by our experi­enced project teams and an exten­sive inter­view training and monito­ring system.

CATI with OmniQuest

10 gute Gründe



Maximum trans­pa­rency throug­hout the entire course of the project

Listen in

On-site listening appoint­ments possible at any time at short notice


Repre­sen­ta­tive sampling as a member of the ADM telephone sampling consor­tium


Customer briefing / feedback rounds with the inter­viewer team on site by appoint­ment


Perma­nent use of the ADM black­list

Auto Dialer

Use of automated call dialing possible on request (Authensis – Predic­tive Dialing)

Own resources

Exclu­sive use of own inter­viewer resources – no offshore telephony


Ensuring quality standards and rules of profes­sional conduct: Compli­ance with DIN-ISO standard 20252


Close monito­ring of field results after field start and during the survey through interim datasets


Quali­ta­tive and quanti­ta­tive quality measures tailored to the respec­tive project
Training – Super­vi­sion – Data control

CATI surveys with OmniQuest

Further infor­ma­tion

Auto dialer

At your request, the use of automated call dialing is possible (Authensis – Predic­tive Dialing).

In this way, generated telephone numbers can also be used for popula­tion surveys in order to reach unregis­tered house­holds.

We are happy to offer you the oppor­tu­nity to design inter­viewer briefings yourself through pretests at the start of the project and to get a first impres­sion of how the project is progres­sing. On-site listening appoint­ments are possible at any time, interim data sets immedia­tely after field start provide insight into the first survey figures.

We realize more than 1,200 inter­views daily and set standards that are signi­fi­cantly above the market standard. Both through the close coope­ra­tion of our project managers with the studio managers and through our exten­sive training and control system, we meet not only our demands, but yours as well. In normal popula­tion-repre­sen­ta­tive surveys, we achieve utiliza­tion rates of at least 30-35%, and in the customer satis­fac­tion area, rates of up to 70%.

Our inter­viewers receive perfor­mance evalua­tions accor­ding to a fixed scheme and can thus perma­nently expand their range of services. Targeted and separate follow-up training sessions enable the inter­viewer to provide immediate and profes­sional answers to any queries from the respon­dent during the inter­view.

Data security

Commis­sioned proces­sing accor­ding to DSGVO (Art. 28, Art. 29 and Art. 6 para. 1f) requires experi­ence, relia­bi­lity and profes­sio­na­lism. We have taken all neces­sary measures intern­ally to protect your customer data. A selec­tion:

  • Internal central user adminis­tra­tion – access to personal data only by autho­rized employees (execu­tive manage­ment, survey manage­ment, project manage­ment, evalua­tion)
  • Ensuring that personal data cannot be read, modified or removed by unaut­ho­rized parties in the course of their trans­mis­sion or storage on data media
  • “Paper­less telephone studio” – no possi­bi­lity for telephone inter­viewer to pass on data extern­ally
  • Member­ship in the ADM telephone sampling consor­tium
ADM Black­list

We are a member of the ADM telephone sampling consor­tium. We report telephone numbers to be blocked to the Arge at short notice and receive an up-to-date ADM blocking file daily for imple­men­ta­tion in our internal black­list. This results in a compe­ti­tive advan­tage for the customer compared to possible coope­ra­tions with “non-Arge ADM telephone sampling field insti­tutes” (free co-use of the ADM black­list to prevent possible respon­dent complaints).


Valid data quality from the first to the last inter­view is no coinci­dence, but the result of strin­gent and seamless monito­ring. Already during the fieldwork, the survey data is validated in three testing loops. Here the units

  • Su­per­vi­si­on
  • Project manage­ment and
  • DATA Manage­ment

come into play. In addition, we carry out random control calls and plausi­bi­lity checks.

Parti­ci­pate in the process, either on site or using privacy-compliant recor­dings:

Feedback rounds with inter­viewers allow space for reflec­tion and provide additional insight into accep­tance or poten­tial barriers to parti­ci­pa­tion. Detailed feedbacks and a chrono­lo­gical perfor­mance documen­ta­tion by the super­vi­sion enable to record and perma­nently develop perfor­mances indivi­du­ally and across studies.

CATI project phases

1. Obtain & convey infor­ma­tion

  • Targeted briefing of the inter­viewers
  • Compact study info for each project
  • Pretest at project start

2. Control & motiva­tion of the inter­viewers

  • Conse­quen­tial Monito­ring
  • Feedback talks with evalua­tion
  • Checking exhaus­tion rates and inter­view durations
  • Conti­nuous data verifi­ca­tion

3. Control, follow-up & documen­ta­tion

  • Indivi­dual follow-up training
  • Perfor­mance documen­ta­tion
  • Documen­ta­tion via status report
Dual frame in nation­wide surveys
The number of house­holds or people who can only be reached via mobile commu­ni­ca­tions instead of a landline is rising conti­nuously. In this context, a certain propor­tion of mobile phone numbers is taken into account for an adequate sample design in nation­wide popula­tion surveys since quite some time.

With this proce­dure, randomly generated mobile numbers are integrated in addition to the classic landline numbers – whether regis­tered or generated – in order to also reach the so-called “mobile only” house­holds or indivi­duals. This method is suitable for nation­wide surveys. Since no unique federal state identi­fier has been available for mobile phone numbers to date, this sampling design cannot yet be used for regional approa­ches.

Evalua­tion options
  • Consul­ting regar­ding evalua­tion methods
  • Checking & cleaning the data
  • Matching of additional infor­ma­tion, e.g. from address data – of course in strict compli­ance with privacy regula­tions
  • Weighting of data, repre­sen­ta­tive (e.g. accor­ding to VA/Federal Statis­tical Office) or accor­ding to your speci­fi­ca­tions
  • Creation of code frames for coding open-ended questions
  • Coding of the open-ended responses
  • Statis­tical analysis/multivariate analysis, e.g. factor or cluster analysis, corre­la­tions, etc.
  • Creation of data sets, tables and charts

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Your contact
for telephone surveys

Sofina Hell

Unit-Leiterin CATI

+49 (0) 228 38 200-215


Chris­tian Bien

Projekt­leiter CATI

+49 (0) 228 38 200-220


Thomas Paffhausen

Projekt­leiter CATI

+49 (0) 228 38 200-226


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Do you still have questions or would you like to learn more about CATI/telephonic surveys? We are happy to advise you. Just leave us your telephone number or email address. We will get in touch with you.

OmniQuest Market Research

Reliable market research thrives on the correct survey. We have the right tool for every approach, a tool for all cases.

OmniQuest Gesell­schaft für Befra­gungs­pro­jekte mbH

Kenne­dy­brücke 4
53225 Bonn

Hohen­stau­fen­ring 66-70
50674 Cologne

+49 (0) 228 38 200-0

Member­ships and initia­tives