CAWI / Online Research

Our focus is not only on the speedy imple­men­ta­tion of your project but also on forward-looking and cost-efficient field manage­ment. We offer you a safe, innova­tive imple­men­ta­tion with valid, meaningful results.


We offer assets and tools for every online approach

Shelf Test

Place your target groups in a virtual test market environ­ment and simulate diffe­rent shopping situa­tions.

Adver­ti­sing Effect

Would you like to know how your new TV campaign is received or whether your print ad reaches the right target group?

Customer Panel

What do your custo­mers think? What does your core target group expect? Benefit from direct customer feedback, fast and unfil­tered!

Website Usabi­lity Test

Adapt the website to its users’ needs. We analyze the usabi­lity of your website and uncover weakne­sses.

Employee Feedback

Benefit from our modular catalog of questions, which is well estab­lished in the industry, and use the exper­tise of market research profes­sio­nals for your employee survey.

Multi-topic Survey

Ideal for obtai­ning valid insights from your target group quickly and cost-effec­tively. Monthly with our OmniBus or immedia­tely with our OmniTaxi.


Our mapping tool allows depic­ting product group struc­tures from the perspec­tive of all buyer groups. Ideal for optimi­zing the presen­ta­tion of goods.


Visual feedback – The heatmap is the ideal tool to show which parts or areas of an image are well or poorly received by the test person.


Our Online Panel

OmniPanel offers a repre­sen­ta­tive panel struc­ture and is recruited from online and offline sources. The result is a high-quality database of respond­ents, which is charac­te­rized by intrinsic motiva­tion and high response rates. These charac­te­ristics form the central basis for reliable key figures.

Reliable control of the field phase

  • Real-time statis­tics
  • Automatic quota­tions
  • Plausi­bi­lity check of the answers
  • Recruit­ment and reminder dispatch

Quality assurance

  • Parti­ci­pa­tion behavior (e.g. survey times)
  • Item-accurate measu­re­ment of response time to filter out data records of poor quality
  • Valida­tion of the panel­lists by compa­ring the entries with the master data (age, gender, house­hold size, etc.)
  • Exclu­sion of multiple parti­ci­pa­tions through a perso­na­lised access
  • Storage of data on an ISO 27001 certi­fied server

Tools and methods for online research

We offer Assets and Tools for every online approach

Website Usabi­lity Test

Virtual Shelf Test

Personal Customer Panel

Adver­ti­sing Effect

Employee Feedback

Multi-Topic Survey OmniBus

Multi-Topic Survey OmniTaxi



We are happy to advise you

Your contact persons for online surveys


Thorsten Jansen
+49 (0) 228 38 200-223


Maximi­lian Ponert
Project manager
+49 (0) 228 38 200-227


Peter Gremse
Project manager
☎ +49 (0) 228 38 200-224

Get in contact

We are happy to assist you

Do you still have questions or would you like to find out more about online research? We are happy to assist you with advice. Just leave us your telephone number or e-mail address. We will get in touch with you.

OmniQuest Marktforschung

Reliable surveys on market, product and customer satis­fac­tion breathe from an accurate inves­ti­ga­tion.
We do have the accurate tool for all your needs.

OmniQuest Gesell­schaft für Befra­gungs­pro­jekte mbH Kenne­dy­brücke 4 53225 Bonn Hohen­stau­fen­ring 66-70 50674 Köln
+49 (0) 228 38 200-0

Member­ship and Initia­tives
